Weekly Workout Recap and Menu Planning - 22 Feb

Good Evening! This week has been quite hectic. Hubby and I went house hunting and saw a couple of flats. We have been discussing on and off about getting a house this year and have started baby steps in the search. We have been doing our research and talking to friends and parents on their views. It is so funny that there are so many things involved that you need to keep in mind while doing house hunting.

To add to it, i was working both days this weekend as well. So i am really tired after a hectic week. I started the 30 Days of Yoga With Adriene challenge.This is the second challenge that i am doing this year after doing the Tone It Up Love Your Body series challenge.I have been pretty bad with flexibility and stretching and got to know about this yoga challenge from some bloggers.  I hope to continue with this challenge all through and stick with the schedule

Weekly Workout Recap :

Monday (2/16) - 5Km Walk,  Day 1: Ease into It
Tuesday (2/17) - Day 2 - Stretch and Soothe
Wednesday (2/18)  - Day 3 - Forget What You Know
Thursday (2/19)  - 6Km Walk, Day 4 - Yoga Has Your Back
Friday (2/20) - Day 5 - Feel Alive
Saturday (2/21)  - Day 6 - Six Pack Abs, 8Km Walk
Sunday (2/22) - Day 7 - Total Body Yoga

Weekly Menu Planning :

Breakfast :
Vegetable Omelette
Peanut Butter Toast

Coconut Rice
Capsicum Rice
Mint Rice

Sprouted Green Gram
Fruit Salad
Vegetables and Hummus

Carrot and Roti
Cauliflower and Roti

Linking up to Jill Conyers for weekly recap and menu planning !!

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