Dream Big !!

In most cases, a  woman's life is always dictated and decided by everyone except her. She is always taught to think and do for others first before thinking about herself. But if there is someone who still wants to think about her or work for her dreams, then she has to fight for it.

That is the story about my mother. Bringing up me and my two sisters along with a full time job and commuting by public transport for 2 hours to work daily was not a cakewalk. But she handled it with so much grace and happiness. She never spoke to us about her tiredness or her pain. But was always worried if we were good. She would never eat food right but would always be concerned if we ate good. 


That is because she took charge of life and made a choice, not a compromise. She always wanted to be independent and follow her dreams. At times when most ladies would sit at home to raise their kid, she would go for work. She got to hear of taunts for this and sometimes had to fight for her dreams too but she never quit. She continued to be independent in their thoughts and serious of her career. That is how she raised us as well. Even though we do not have a brother, we were given equal freedom like boys. Never 
once did she made us realize that we were girls and had restrictions. 


 Today I take this opportunity to talk about her because I see many women easily quitting on their career because of their family. So many of my friends even with masters and doctorate degree in education quit their career to look after their baby. Although your kids need your attention but you don't have to give up on your dreams to prove your love. 

You can still work and follow your dreams and still love them unconditionally. By doing so you will only teach your kid the same. We need to leave the OR's and be the AND, take a decision and teach our kids so that they can do the same. 

                Today I am an engineer AND I love to be FIT and take care of my health AND I love learning new technologies AND work full time AND manage my own family. I always try to give my 100% in what i am doing and be sincere in my work AND disciplined with my health AND eager to learn new things AND an awesome wife to my husband. 

                Follow your dreams and never quit on them and I am sure your family will be happy. They will love you AND feel proud of you.  #UseYourAnd and throw the ORs, for you deserve more and more of things you put your heart into.

This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus“.

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