Dream Board !!

A vision board or as I like to call it a dream board is a useful tool to help you visualize your goals and serve s as a source of motivation as you work towards achieving your dreams. It helps clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal.  The purpose of your vision board is to bring everything on it to life.


Making use of vision boards serves several purposes, some of which include helping you to:

1) Identify your vision and give it clarity-

We all have goals and write them down (mostly). But if we can have images which say our specific goals, then that helps us give more clarity. For eg: To say "I want to lose weight" is a good goal, but have you realized that this is a very generic goal. In order to get clear outcomes from our goals, they need to be as specific as possible. Instead if we have a goal of "I want to lose 10Kg by May before wedding anniversary" - this is a more specific goal as it gives you the number that you have to lose and by when. So in your dream board you can set a picture of you wearing that dress that you had always wished to wear for your wedding anniversary. This will definitely give a motivation to workout and eat well so that you can lose those pounds by May and fit into that awesome dress for your wedding anniversary.

2) Reinforce your daily affirmations -


Once you dream it, the next step is to believe it. In addition to images, vision boards can include words, phrases or sentences that affirm your intentions.These are positive statements that describe a desired situation, which are often repeated, until they get impressed on the subconscious mind.
Repeated positive statements help you focus your mind on your aim. They also create corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious mind accordingly.

3) Keep your attention on your intentions.


What is the use if we take all the efforts to prepare the board and leave it in a corner. We slowly start to forget about it. Remember the famous saying - Out of sight is out of mind. In the chaos of life, if we are not constantly reminded about our goals, we would forget about them. We would lose our focus on them.

Instead it is a good idea to place the vision board right next to your bed when you get up so that you have a look at your intentions. You can also put them on your wall or in a book that you carry with you so that you have your intentions with you that keep you focused and motivated to achieve those dreams !!

Linking with Jill and Jessica for the awesome theme !!


  1. I love your dream board, and definitely agree with the quotes on it! I love the one on how it doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. Great reminder! :]

  2. Nice board! I love the center- a great reminder that we are here to create our self! love it! I started mine on Pinterest and I am expanding from there!

    1. That is one of my favorites too :) Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Okay, I'm renaming mine! DREAM BOARD is awesome! And your are right, clear vision=clear results!!

    1. Glad you liked it. I just love to call it a dream board :) Thanks for stopping by !

  4. Love the combination of images and words! Dream. Motivation. Vision. Whatever works for you!

    1. So true !! Thanks for the wonderful theme !!

  5. That board is beautiful! And, I love you well you explained how to use it, and maximize its potential. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing! #fitfamlove

    1. I simply love this theme because it really helped me make sure i make my dream board. It made me inspires whenever i have a look at it everyday. Thanks for the wonderful linkup theme !!
